HYKY – Helsinki UN Youth

Helsinki YK-Nuoret, HYKY ry, welcomes all people who are interested in UN topics, regardless of where they live! HYKY carries out both domestic and international activities. Our goal is to promote the realization of the goals of the UN and make them known among young people and students. HYKY is an active benevolent organization whose activities welcome new members! So feel free to contact us by coming to events, writing us an email or liking us on social media!



TYKY – Turku UN Association

The purpose of the Turku UN Association is to make known the goals and principles of the UN, by promoting the realization of the goals mentioned in the UN Charter and other publications in Turku. The association includes young people interested in human rights, civic influence, multicultural and international cooperation, and global friendship. The association’s activities include information about the UN and other current global issues. Turku YK-Yhdistys organizes interesting, values-supporting, low-threshold events, to which everyone interested in the activity is welcome! The association’s annual activities include many different workshops, seminars, movie nights, excursions and charity events. In addition, we organize activities for immigrants and cooperate with other organizations in Turku to implement the values ​​cherished by the UN in the Turku area.



TAYK – Tampere UN Association

Tampereen YK-yhdistys TAYK ry is a politically non-committed UN youth Tampere section, whose goal is to highlight the values ​​and principles of the UN in Tampere and Pirkanmaa. We organize speaking engagements and discussion evenings on current social issues, we make excursions with an international touch both in Finland and abroad, and we visit schools to talk about the UN. Our events are open to all our members, so welcome!



JyYK – Jyväskylä UN Association

Jyväskylä YK-yhdistys (JyYK ry) was founded in 2006. Its goal is to promote the realization and implementation of UN principles and goals, such as the Millennium Development Goals, in the Jyväskylä region, especially among students. The environment and social justice are taken into account in all of JyYK’s activities. JyYK’s activities aim to increase the opportunities for participation and influence of Jyväskylä residents in international and development issues. Activities focus on information and organizing events and lessons in accordance with UN values.



FinMUN – Finnish Model UN Society

Finnish Model United Nations Society is an organization for students interested in international relations. We bring together people to organize and participate in Model United Nations (MUN) seminars, debate issues on the UN and global agenda, and develop their understanding of global politics. FinMUN was founded in 2004 and has so far focused on establishing a solid basis for Model United Nations (MUN) activities in Finland through building relationships with public and private sector contacts, namely the various UN representations and Affiliates in Finland. Cooperation with MUN societies is also a central feature of our work. FinMUN organizes annually the only University-level Model UN Conference in Finland. The FINMUN Conference is held each spring. The goal of our work is to bring together students with various backgrounds to organize and participate in Model United Nations (MUN) seminars. Other activities of the society are run throughout the year and include for example Edutainment evenings with expert guest speakers.



OSYKY – Oulu region’s UN association

The roots of Oulu’s UN association OSYKY go all the way back to the 70s. During its history, the association has been a very active platform for political discussion, but there have also been quieter times. The last silence ended in the spring of 2015. Today, OSYKY is a member of the university’s student union, in which case at least half of the members are students of the University of Oulu. The association’s goal is to promote UN values ​​and principles as well as international consensus and peaceful cooperation. We organize workshops, seminars, movie nights and participate in different types of events. Welcome aboard! You can reach us via social media or email info@osyky.com.



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